Implementing CDIO in Raw Materials Sector

The CIDO Initiative is an innovative program for teaching with the aim of optimally preparing the future generation of engineers for their profession. The basic idea of CDIO is that engineering graduates should be able to implement complex value chains of technical systems according to the CDIO principle (conceptualize-design-implementation-operate) together in a team in order to develop systems and products.
The aim of the CDIO II project was to successfully integrate the principle of CIDO into the teaching of raw materials. Based on the experience of the previous CDIO project, faculty development courses were held at the participating universities to train and inspire teachers in the field of raw materials.
Through the collaboration of industry, research institutions and universities, a Common Project course for students was developed, in which students will had the opportunity to apply their acquired skills to real industrial problems.
In addition, already existing innovative laboratories for students in the field of raw materials were covered, resulting in guidelines and an international CDIO network for best practice laboratories.
The interactive global map of educational labs in mining engineering can be viewed here!