Knowledge- and Technology Transfer
On the way to a digitally networked, autonomous mine, the industry faces a variety of technical challenges, be it, for example, the development of robust sensor technology suitable for mining, the use of modern data processing and visualization methods, the control and regulation of machines and systems, including via suitable man-machine or machine-machine interfaces, or communication technology.
The further development of "Advanced Mining Technologies" with the vision of a digitally networked autonomous mine will contribute to making deposits and raw materials viable in the future that are not yet technically and / or economically recoverable today. Doing this in a safe, environmentally friendly and economically viable way will enable new raw material potentials to be tapped in the long term.
It is precisely here that the Institute for Advanced Mining Technologies, with its interdisciplinary team from the fields of mining, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science, contributes to solving the societal challenge of a sustainable supply of raw materials in the areas of research, teaching and, in particular, in the area of transfer.
In the area of transfer, the activities of the AMT are structured along six fields of action:
1) Creation of innovation spaces
2) Promotion of entrepreneurial thinking and action
3) Support for business start-ups
4) Supporting the principle of lifelong learning
5) Impact on society, culture and politics
6) Networking and cooperation