The AMT Incubator

As part of the "Excellence Start-up Center.NRW" initiative, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitalization and Energy (MWIDE) of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia is currently funding a series of measures in the RWTH vicinity to specifically promote technology transfer via the spin-off of start-ups. The declared goal is to establish a leading European tech incubator.
This includes not only the physical construction of the "Collective Incubator" with office space, co-working spaces, maker areas and workshops, but also a development of offerings through the professionalization of start-up consulting, the expansion of individual support for founders, and networking with external supporters from the business community, such as business angels, venture capital funds, start-ups, companies, accelerators, as well as universities, research institutions and technology centers.
A core area of the Excellence Start-up Center.NRW is the development of subject-specific verticals by RWTH Innovation in cooperation with RWTH institutes from the various departments. This also includes the AMT for the field of Raw Materials. These verticals aim to close the gap of technological transfer between university institutes and start-up programs with a topic-specific and start-up status-independent offer in various fields and thus support young companies. These verticals, which are currently being established in the respective subject-specific context, provide for a close institute connection with infrastructure, support in subject-specific topics (e.g. trends, regulation, QM, etc.), access to subject-specific financing, a dedicated network for growth promotion, exchange with experts on subject-specific issues, as well as a subject-specific network of all stakeholders in the vertical. The AMT is in charge of developing these services for the "Raw Materials" vertical together with partners from RWTH Innovation.