People at AMT
At AMT, an interdisciplinary, dynamic team is engaged in research and teaching. In addition to the institute's management, consisting of the institute's director, an endowed professorship and head engineers, the team comprises research assistants and technical and administrative employees (IT, secretariat, technical draughtsman and central workshop). All employees have in common their enthusiasm for the diversity of applications in modern mining and for the special challenges that mining offers with its extreme conditions.

Institute Leadership

Dr.-Ing. Alexandra Radl
Deputy Institute Director, Academic Counselor, Senior Engineer, Group Lead "Material Characterisation"

Dr.-Ing. Amir Kianfar
Senior Engineer, Group Lead "Asset Monitoring and Diagnosis“ and "Mine Communication“

Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Wiele
Academic Counselor, Senior Engineer, Group Lead "Environmental Perception“
Professor i.R.
Univ.-Prof. i.R. Dr.-Ing. Karl Nienhaus

Univ.-Prof. i.R. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Seeliger
Scientific Staff

David Ede M.Sc.

Emilia Hennen M.Sc.

Fabian Laumen M.Sc.

Pablo Muñoz Sánchez M.Sc.

Hares Noori M.Sc.

Adam Pekarski M.Sc.

Ahmed Rejaibi M.Eng.

Moritz Rösgen M.Sc.

Aarti Sörensen M.A.
Dr.-Ing. Violetta Storoschewich
Senior Engineer, Group Lead "Mine Design and Energy Management"

Marius Theißen M.Sc.

Dennis Wagner M.Sc.

Qigang Wang M.Sc.

Moritz Ziegler M.Sc.
Group Lead "Localisation, Autonomous Navigation, Robotics"
Guest Lecturers

Dr.-Ing. Franz Domenic Boos
Product Management for Engineers

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bruno van den Heuvel
Plant monitoring and maintenance
Machine diagnosis

Dr.-Ing. Marc Hilbert
Data Analytics for Heavy Duty Machinery

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günther Philipp
Wear and corrosion in the raw materials industry
Materials handling and logistics

Dr.-Ing. Dennis Röllinger
Product Management for Engineers

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Vraetz
Automation and Digitalisation in Mining
Technical Staff