Active Participation in Innovation Networks
The AMT is involved in the development and implementation of several national and international innovation networks, in particular the regional network "Mine ReWIR", which is still under development and which was co-founded by the institute, as well as the international German Mining Network and the Global Mining Guidelines Group.
The "Mine ReWIR" alliance brings together relevant stakeholders around the Rhenish mining area to build a regional innovation network with the mining supply companies directly affected by the lignite phase-out to collaboratively prepare for the structural changes ahead.
To this end, innovation paths in the areas of digitalization, internationalization and sustainability are to be developed in the coming years together with companies, municipal stakeholders and academia in order to further develop the competencies anchored in the region in the area of primary raw material extraction and transfer them to new areas of application. Know-how is to be kept in the region, future opportunities and potentials are to be used and thus contribute to a sustainable structural change.
The aim of the German Mining Network is to provide German mining suppliers as well as raw material processing and raw material purchasing companies with a central platform through which market information on relevant raw material countries can be obtained within a short time and direct contact can be established. To this end, the network offers several events per year, provides a free news ticker with business-relevant information and offers networking opportunities with key players in the German mining and raw materials industry. The AMT coordinates the network together with the AHK Chile and is especially responsible for the coordination of the German professional partners.

The Global Mining Guidelines initiative (GMG) aims to develop globally applicable technical guidelines for current mining challenges, such as mine electrification and autonomization, in a collaborative and integrative manner, serving as an open platform for industry, government and research. Against the backdrop of increasing complexity of mining process integration and machine technology, the aspects of system interoperability, industry networking and collaboration are becoming increasingly important today.
The AMT joined the GMG as the first research institution worldwide, integrating new scientific findings into the GMG's work. The now more than one hundred members of the GMG can participate in various working groups, each with its own topic focus, where they develop ideas, recommendations and specifications for industry guidelines, which can also include best practices for the implementation and adaptation of new technologies. The GMG guidelines are then published and made available for open viewing.
The AMT also participates in a number of working groups, including the Autonomous Mine Working Group and the Interoperability Working Group. Within the working groups, the AMT can contribute experiences from research and science and at the same time gain knowledge regarding industry-relevant issues. The result of the interoperability working group, an industry-standard classification model for machine states, is also being applied in an industrial project together with the VDMA. The goal of the project is the creation and implementation of a semantic communication interface for the mining industry. The AMT plans to continue its active participation in the respective working groups of the GMG.