
The AMT is actively involved in the training of young scientists and currently participates in 26 different RWTH courses. The courses include lectures and exercises as well as internships, laboratories and excursions and range from basic mechanics and electrical engineering to applied mechanical engineering in the raw materials industry. Specialized and in-depth courses such as automation and digitization in mining are also offered.

In the summer semester 2020, RWTH Aachen University and thus also the AMT conduct an online semester for the first time due to the current situation and the measures adopted nationwide to contain the COVID19 pandemic. With the help of different software tools it became possible to conduct courses of different sizes online, i.e. also with more than 150 students, while at the same time allowing a high degree of interaction with and among the students. The direct interaction with students during the virtual lectures and exercises is implemented by functions such as live chats, feedback functions, hand raising emojis as a reporting function etc. Furthermore, interactive work between students can be implemented by small group work in virtual break-out rooms. Maintaining interaction in the digital space is of central importance for the AMT team. Smaller lectures and tutorials are therefore usually held in live stream format as well and are made available to the students afterwards. The positive feedback and the high level of commitment of the students have shown that this focus is important and appropriate. The initially existing or feared technical challenges could be mastered and the digital contents and methods are continuously evaluated, assessed and further developed in this new learning environment.

An overview of our current courses can be found here.

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